What is Life Church like?
Here's what you can expect
Arrival Time
Everyone is welcome to come early for coffee and socializing. Sunday service starts at 10:00 AM.
What to wear
Please feel free to wear
what you are comfortable in.
We sing choruses & hymns, worshipping with clapping, verbal praising, and uplifted hands.
The Word
Pastor Lou's sermons are Bible centered and practical. He usually finishes around 11:15 AM.
What is
Life Church like?
Here is what you can expect.
Arrival time
Come early for coffee and socializing. Sunday service starts at 1000 AM.
What to wear
Wear what you are comfortable in.
Worship style
We sing choruses and hymns, worshipping with clapping, verbal praising, and uplifted hands.
The sermon
Pastor Giordano's sermons are Bible centered and practical. Service usually finishes around 11:15.